Tropische Rhythmen der kolumbianischen Karibik
Einführung in die kolumbianischen Rhythmen der Karibik und speziell von San Basilio de Palenque: Geschichte, Kontext und grundlegende Merkmale.
Workshopleiter: Franklin Tejedor AKA Lamparita (Col).
(MITU – Estrellas del Caribe – San Basilio de Palenque).
Erläuterung der verwendeten Instrumente: Tambor alegre, Llamador, Tambora, Maracas, Marimbula, Pechiche.
Grundschläge und Variationen der folgenden Rhythmen: Cumbia, Bullerengue, Fandango de lengua, Son Palenque, Son de Negro, Mapalé, Chalupa, Lumbalú, Champeta.
Flügel Progr west, 1. Stock, Atelier U09
Richtpreis CHF 25.-
Introducción a los ritmos colombianos del Caribe y específicamente de San Basilio de Palenque: historia, contexto y características fundamentales.
Explicación de los instrumentos que se usan: Tambor alegre, llamador, Tambora, Maracas, Marimbula, Pechiche
Golpes básicos y variaciones sobre los siguientes ritmos: Cumbia, Bullerengue, Fandango de lengua, Son Palenque, Son de Negro, Mapalé, Chalupa, Lumbalú, Champeta.
About Franklin Tejedor:
Franklin Tejedor, aka „Lamparita“, is a young alegrero heir to the rich rhythmic tradition of San Basilio de Palenque, the first free town in America. Franklin has been in touch with music since childhood. He grew up learning from his singing aunts and grandmothers, being part of ‚Las Alegres Ambulancias‘ since he was a child. He has participated and played with all the traditional bands of the Palenquera community.
He has travelled through several countries in Europe and America carrying his music and, together with it, the whole tradition of San Basilio de Palenque. For more than six years, Franklin has been part of Colombia’s most recognized electronic duo, Mitú. In the area of training, he keeps coordinating workshops in different cities of Colombia. People contact him to take classes with him since he is a musical reference of Palenque and one of the most recognized percussionists in the country.