
Mi 07.12. 20:00 | Compass Bar Süd Bern | Blues, Country, Folk

Musik im Süden – Colour Of Rice

Colour Of Rice ist eine Stimme, die Hand in Hand mit der Gitarre auf Reise ist. Ihre Musik sind zu Songs gewordenen Emotionen; erzählend, nostalgisch, ergreifend, als lausche man der Stille. Sie lädt uns zum Aufbruch in eine musikalische Welt ein, in der man vergisst, vielleicht sich auch erinnert, aber ganz sicher fühlt. Aber hört selbst was sie zu sagen hat:

„I am a 22-year-old singer/songwriter born in Switzerland, moved a lot. To create and share happiness is my way. In school I was taught a couple of chords on the guitar and started to write songs with it. Songs about love, life, death, always from the bottom of my heart. With my guitar, I travel from living rooms to streets, bars, festivals, acoustic sessions and concert venues.

When I was a kid I wanted to become a cowboy, singing songs at a bonfire with other travelers.I like to chat with my audience, have a great time with everyone and I’m overjoyed when they leave with a smile on their faces.

Stories, emotions, a guitar and a voice, that’s my everything. I’d love to share it with you.“

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dein Compass Bar – Team

Türöffnung: 20.00 Uhr
Konzert: ca. 20.30 Uhr
GRATIS, Topfkollekte




Do 24.11. 2016