
Di 13.11. 20:00 | Kino Reitschule Bern |

Heretical Aesthetics – Filmreihe zu Pier Paolo Pasolini: Le mura di Sana’a & Il Decameron

I. Le mura di Sana’a, Klassiker von Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italien, 1973, 13 Min., OV I/e

»Pasolini traveled to the north of Yemen in October 1970 in order to film a scene for his «Decameron» there, which was later cut from the film. In the meantime, a free Sunday morning engendered the documentary about the city of Sana’a. In the subsequent months, this material developed into an official appeal to UNESCO in the form of Le Mura di Sana’a. Just a few months later, RAI broadcasted the first version on Italian television. […] If Pasolini […] profanes the documentary film, the travelogue, and ethnological research, he […] shifts the aim of the documentary from the historical object of the old city walls to the ways of life of the nameless who must live within them. He shifts the solipsistic hegemony of the western artist abroad onto the passive gaze of the ethnographer; the index of speech onto a politics of images, where, ultimately, Pasolini’s «Le Mura di Sana’a» doesn’t make an appeal for the museum conservation of the historical walls of Sana’a, but rather commemorates, based on an implicit philosophy of history, the ways of life in a city that is still intact.«

(Toni Hildebrandt, »Allegories of the Profane on Foreign Soil in Pasolini’s Work after 1968«, in: estetica. studi e ricerche 2, 2017).

II. Il Decameron: Klassiker von Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italien, 1971, 106 Min.,OV I/e

Based on the novel Il Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, it is the first movie of Pasolini’s »Trilogy of life«, the others being The Canterbury Tales and Arabian Nights. The film, shot in Neapolitan dialect at the behest of the director, offers a variety of episodes from the stories most characteristic of the work of Giovanni Boccaccio, and are linked through a pupil of the painter Giotto (played by Pasolini himself) who arrives in Naples to paint a mural. The tales contain abundant nudity, sex, slapstick and scatological humor.


Die Filmreihe liefert einen ersten Einblick in Pasolinis umfangreiches Werk
von seinen kinematographischen Anfängen im Rom der frühen 1960er-Jahre
bis zu den späten ethnographischen Reisen nach Nordafrika. An drei Abenden zeigen wir zwei Spielfilme aus der Früh- und Spätphase «Mamma Roma»; «Il Decameron»), zwei weniger bekannte Kurzfilme («La sequenza del fiore di carta»; «Le mura di Sana’a»), sowie den Essay-Film «Twisted Realism», in dem Raphäel Cuomo und Mario Iorio den politischen Kontext von «Mamma Roma» gegenwartsbezogen rekonstruieren.
An allen Abenden wird der Kunsthistoriker Toni Hildebrandt in die Filme einführen. Im Anschluss an die Filme sind gemeinsame Diskussionen an der Bar geplant.


Di 16.10. 2018